Scala Syntax Highlighting in gEdit

For my Software Engineering class at university, I have to code in Scala. No big deal there, you might say. I’d be inclined to agree if it weren’t for the fact that the editor I probably use most for quick tweaks and the likes, gedit, does not support Scala syntax highlighting out of the box.

For those of you that don’t know, gedit is the default text editor that comes with GNOME. Considering I’m a Ubuntu user, I tend to get in contact with GNOME pretty much all the time. As such, I rather tweak things than going out of my way and looking for other applications. Especially when the fix is so terribly simple.

You see, the good folk at Scala have foreseen this problem and have their own language definition file available. To grab it, simply go to their src trunk and follow the README. For people that use different editors, you might find it when you go up a folder ;).